Art Direction | Logo Design | Layout | Artworking | Photo Retouching - Client: Abel Sequera
Abel Sequera is one of the most talented drummers and composers coming out of the rock and metal scene in Spain. Alongside guitar player, producer and composer Carles Salse (and with the help of dozens of musicians from across the globe) they created Soundscapes, a conceptual progressive metal album that tells the story of the great spiritual and philosophical journey of a being roaming the unknown in search of new horizons.
I was brought on board of this ambitious and meticulous album to capture the story and translate it into images. The album includes a 44-page booklet featuring a series of double-page illustrations conceived specifically for each particular song. Making the most out of the panoramic format, the images are conceived like frames from a movie.

Logo Design

Promotional picture

Album Cover

Album Cover, full composition

Interior art

Interior art with layout

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